Activity cambridg-one


Africa nation
The zulú people

Where does the tribal nation live?

In the nation of Africa, is today mainly based in the province of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) with small groups also located in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

What’s the climate like where the tribal nation lives?

It is a warm climate 

What types of homes do the people live in?

Houses made of cane by themselves, in the forests of warm climates.

What animals do they have?

It has all kinds of animals but the most outstanding are the jaguars with which they make their clothes.

What food do they eat?

The Zulus are carnivores, although lately, due to the increase in the price of meat, they also use vegetables. They also eat corn, tubers and -occasionally- fish from nearby rivers.

What problems do the people of the tribal nation face?

The death of the king and queen regent in just a month and a half opens the battle between the successors of South Africa's most important ethnic group.

Find photos of the tribal nation and a map showing where they live.



The Zulu tribe is a tribe originally from Africa, where they have a large number of inhabitants which is led by a king and queen, where they are the highest authority and all have much respect and obey their orders. Zulu. African ethnic group of more than ten million individuals that inhabit mainly the province of KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa, although they are also found in small quantities in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique. They live in huts, wear their clothes made of animal skins and maintain their most ancient customs. They are made up of the Bantu, Nguni, Basotho, Xhosa, Swazi and Matabele ethnic groups.
According to their oral tradition, the Zulu people consider themselves descendants of a legendary leader of the a "bantu bakua zulu". In the Zulu language, "zulu" means "heaven". The founder of the Zulu nation is considered to be the warlord Dingiswayo, son of Jobe, who from 1807 to 1818 was chief of the Mtetwa Confederacy.
Zulu people: The British requested reinforcements to the metropolis, and in 1879 they attacked the Zulu capital, Ulundi, where 20 000 warriors were defeated by 6 200 British soldiers, armed with twelve cannons and two machine guns. Dinizulu was proclaimed king at the death of Cetswayo, ruling from 1884 to 1913, initiating an anti-British revolt in 1887, which failed, and officially incorporating the territory of the Zulu kingdom to the colony of Natal in 1897.
Language: The Zulu Kingdom played an important role in the history of South Africa during the 19th century.
Culture: The word Zulu means sky, firmament, a term that gives its name to this millenary African tribe, its language and culture.
Customs: Before getting married, the man had to pay the bride's father a certain number of cows. According to their customs, 11 cows if the woman has no children and if so, 1 cow less for each child she has. According to tradition the Zulu man does not buy his wife, but compensates her father for the effort of her education and for the loss of his job, since the woman will leave the house. Although she is not allowed to work like the man, she has the task of tending the crops, gathering firewood and fetching water.
Sincerely, it was very gratifying to have researched this language, since I personally about this language, since I personally did not know anything about it, nor its I personally knew nothing about it, nor its country of origin, nor its culture, nor its customs. its culture, its customs, sincerely absolutely nothing about it. For me it is very good to have done this enriched me culturally, because I got to know the culture of this tribe the culture of this tribe, I also got to know a little bit more about Africa, I learned about their more of Africa, I learned about their life, customs and most importantly one of their
and most importantly, one of their many languages, which is the most important thing, since it is their way of communication.

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